Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Bondy & Murty

Some text in a document I was reviewing reminded me of this quick exchange that took place a little over 17 years ago - Fall '91, Va Tech.
Vinay and I were both taking a Graph Theory class and the course text book was authored by two guys whose last names were "Bondy" and "Murty." Given Vinay's last name, we promptly bestowed the "Murty" moniker on him and indeed, if you listen carefully many of us from that batch still use this name for Vinay. Anyway, we are in class one day and the Prof is going through this convoluted proof from the book and even after repeated passes most of the class is at sea. Vinay was seated right behind me and at one point I leaned back and whispered to him (in Hindi),"Abe, yeh kya proof likha hai re?" Without missing a beat Vinay whispered back, "Yeh mera chapter nahin hai. Yeh Bondi ka hai."

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