Friday, November 14, 2008

No Escape

Every parent has likely experienced this - making a throwaway statement to their kid only to to have it come back and get you in the posterior (or "bumbalati" as Arjun & Abhi call it). This is just a mild example of that - it can get much worse.
We started Abhi in a day care last week and he hates it. Mostly he hates the idea of being left alone - he was all gung-ho about the prospect of day care until he realized that his big brother would not be there with him. Then he started campaigning for me to stay in day care with him. In a bid to pacify him, I told him, "Sure, I'll come" and then (very cleverly, I thought) added, "But I have to first ask my boss. If he says ok, then I'll come to your day care." He calmed down and I patted myself on back and left for work. As I reached work, I got a phone call and a very tearful Abhi asks, "What did your boss say?" Hmm... hadn't expected this, but I quickly replied that I had not asked my boss yet. Then realizing that this question would not go away, I added,
"But I don't think I will be able to ask him today."
"Why acha?" Ah, the dreaded "why?"
"Because he is not feeling well."
"Why is he not feeling well?"
"He has a cold."
"He has a cold? How did he get a cold?"
"Um..ah...he went out in the rain."
"He went out in the rain? Why did he go out in the rain?"
"Uh...he had go somewhere." The strain of the conversation was getting to me.
"He had to go somewhere? Did he run?"
"Yes, he ran very fast."
"He ran very fast, acha? Why did he run very fast?"
I had to make this stop.
"Ok Abhi, acha has to go now. bye." And quickly hung up.

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