Saturday, March 14, 2009

Arjun Turns Six

Can numbers tell the whole story? Lets give it a shot, shall we?

06: Age Arjun, born in '03, turned in '09 (meanwhile Abhi, born in '06, turned 03 in '09

3: Cakes baked by Malini for Arjun's BD
2: Cakes cut by Arjun (one at school & one at home)
1: Cake ("Molten Chocolate") promised to the BD boy, but not baked until yesterday.

6: Portraits of Arjun used at his school party (one of each year)
6: Classmates who got to ask Arjun a question (not including Eshu who was real disppointed at not being called upon by Arjun)
2pm: Time at which we arrived at the New Children's Museum Friday afternoon
5: Activities the boys did at the museum - clay, climbing wall, print making, bubbles, shadow puppets
4.30pm: Time back home from NC Museum.
6: Bakugans that Arjun got (& 1 Ben10 watch that was mostly claimed by Abhi)

15: Adults invited to the party (making a total of 17 counting Malini and me)
14: Adults who actually showed up (RD had a psychosomatic reaction to the proposed Karaoke and called in sick)
10: Kids at the party, including Arjun & Abhi
2: Guests who arrived ahead of any Murthy (Prem & Sanjana)
35: Minutes that the Murthys were late by (we are still in shock)
4: Guests who ignored explicit requests to avoid gifts

4: Courses (Appetizers, Pani Puri, Idli-sambar, cake, not counting tea)
2: Appetizers ('sundal' - steamed chick peas w/ raw mango & grated coconut; nachos & roasted garlic salsa from TJs)
56: Idlis made (8 left over)
6: Litres of Sambar made
8: Tomatoes chopped (also 3 onions, 2 carrots, and 1 bunch of corriander)
12: Cups of tea made
5: 1 Zin, 1 Cab, 1 Merlot, 1 Grenache, 1 Pinot Grigio
1: Guest who refused all liquids (Vanitha)
2: Guests who were still not done with dinner at last check (Sanjay & Latha)
60: Paper bowls/plates saved by using glass bowls (& washing them between courses)
50: Plastic spoons saved by using steel ones (had enough to manage w/o washing in between)
2: Glasses broken by Malini (including 1 wine glass)
3: Days over which the cooking was spread

3: Options for post-dinner entertainment (Karaoke, Poker, Film Fare awards)
1: Person who was really bummed about missing out on FF awards show
2: Desperate poker players (Hari & Prem...I joined them briefly)
50: Estimate of songs attempted on the Karaoke (in almost 4 hours)
40: Estimate of songs murdered on the Karaoke
1: Song that got a zero score (for the one english song attempted by Dev & Rahul)
2: Singers who stood out (Donna & Sanjay)
1: Tamil song sung by Vanitha (tough Roja song, pulled off successfully)
0: Photos of the singing
10: Minutes of video of the Karaoke (to be uploaded later)
1am: When Arjun & Abhi finally hit the sack
2am: When the last guests left (Anands, Putchalas, Bharadwajs, & Bhoj)>
3am: When Malini went to sleep
4am: When I went to sleep

50%: Readers who made it this far.
75%: Reactions that began with "What the..."
TBD: Comments received for this post. :-)

5: Fillers for pani puri, not counting veges: Peas curry, sweet (dates) chutney, hot (mint) chutney, Sev (from Surati - only store bought item), & of course, the Pani.
3: Variations on the theme - pani puri/masala puri/dahi puri (not counting the 'interesting' combinations that Prem & Latha were creating)
14: Adults who declared that they had over-eaten
??: Number of satisfied guests (to be fair, pretty much everybody left with declarations of "great party"... some were repeating it many times)

And one more before I stop:
400: Puris rolled, cut, and fried.


lathak said...

1: viewer who enjoyed reading this blog!

Unknown said...

Fun blog!

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