Monday, June 4, 2012

June 2012 Elections

Maybe everybody has made up their minds or maybe most folks are like me and the elections tomorrow remained in their peripheral vision. Thankfully, there aren't too many choices to make. So here goes:

  1. San Diego Mayor: This will in all likelihood come down to a run-off later in the year - none of the candidates is going to win an outright majority tomorrow. Will it be Carl Demaio vs Bob Filner? Or maybe Bob Filner vs Nathan Fletcher? Demaio has been making the most amount of noise, but he is a bit too cozy with the Republican establishment for my taste. Not to mention his ties to the construction lobby. Bob Filner represents the Democratic establishment - having served in the US Congress for many years, it is curious (to me) that he wants to become a City mayor now. Nathan Fletcher made a tactical move by leaving the Republican party to contest as an independent in the ostensibly non-partisan mayoral race. Then there is Bonnie Dumanis - the current DA. Nobody gives her a chance, but that is who I recommend for Mayor. She seems to have done OK as a DA and has the current Mayor, Jerry Sanders' endorsement. The city has done relatively better under Mr. Sanders and Bonnie is likely to continue his policies. Vote for Bonnie Dumanis.
  2. State Proposition 28 (Term Limits): This is a curiously worded prop - it would reduce the total term in office (senate or house) to 12 years (from the current 14), but a legislator could spend all of that time in one place. It is a bit flawed, but I will take the 2 year term reduction. I wish it were retroactive and applied to the current legislators, but it doesn't. Pity. Vote YES.
  3. State Proposition 29: This prop raises cigarette taxes by a dollar and gives that money to a number of different causes, mostly involving cancer research. The opposition is largely centered around "This is another tax increase," conveniently ignoring the fact that you can choose not to purchase cigarettes or other tobacco products if you want to avoid this tax and "There is no requirement to spend the money in California." Why should there be? If the best cancer research is elsewhere, that is where the money should go. Vote YES.
  4. San Diego City Prop A: Prohibits the city from requiring "Project Labor Agreements (PLAs)" for city contracts. This is an euphemism for saying that city projects can be given to non-union labor. There is much to be said in favor of this prop, but the situation has changed since the signatures were gathered to put this on the ballot. The city would likely lose a bunch of state money if it tried to enforce this contract. Plus I am rather tired of the government-employee bashing that goes on du jour. Vote NO
  5. San Diego City Prop B: Replaces pensions with 401K style retirement plan for city employees. There is some fine print that makes this less desirable than it sounds, but overall, I like this idea. Plus if 401K is good for me, why is not good enough for city employees? Not to mention that I already took their side in Prop A. Vote NO.  
And then there is the putative reason for this election at all: the Presidential Primary! And since Obama is running unopposed on the Democartic side, your only choices are on the Republican side (I am ignoring the long list of no-name parties, although given that any vote here is going to be futile, you may as well throw the Green Party dude a bone if you wish).  Despite all appearances to the contrary, Mr. Gingrich is on the ballot and I recommend you cast a vote for him. He won't win, but it will be a symbolic poke in Romney's eye.

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